Parent and Kid Reviews on
Dead by Daylight Mobile
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April 26, 2024
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August 8, 2020
This Game is not for 18+.
Hello I’m Jhon And i want to put a review on this game. I’ve played it myself before and i’ve let my kids play it. First of all it doesn’t have any bad language and the whole time you just fix generator and try to escape through the exit. There is no blood in setting in the game there is a feature to turn it off which i prefer! thank you for your time.
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February 9, 2024
High ping should not be allowed and please fix the hit boxes
The game hit box and why the game let players over 100 ping play they can hit you through pallets and when you fully vault the window they can grab you the hit boxes are terrible except the dethslinger's gun
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June 11, 2022
Best of its genre
Too be honest, most reviews say something along the lines of, "It's too violent its only for adults" When it is legit a horror game. There's a option to turn of blood as well as there being very little gore. This was the best horror game I played as a teenager and I feel its appropriate for pre-teens.
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January 7, 2021
Less gore, more thrill.
My daughter first got the PC version of this game before asking if she could also get the mobile version since there appears to be a difference between the two, nonetheless I’ve watched her play a few matches on both platforms and my opinion has remained the same.
This game is a horror-thriller, not a gory slasher. When playing as a survivor, you repair generators and complete other objectives to power the exit gates which you can escape through when opened. When playing as the Killer, your job is to hunt down the survivors and stop them from completing the certain number of generators by hitting them with your weapon twice and then putting them on a sacrificial meat hook that slowly summons the game’s main antagonist, “The Entity”. A hooked survivor must rely on their 3 other teammates to rescue them before the entity essentially kills them. What I described may sound very violent, and I’ll admit, it is, but the graphics and noises aren’t horrible. When a killer hits a survivor, there’s a small burst of blood, and the survivor will lead blood puddles until they are healed. After the initial hit, there is no visual wounds or gore other than these puddles. When a killer hits a survivor a second time, they can put said survivor on a meat hook. The survivor will scream as they are placed on the hook, but the graphics are not gory and they simply hang there limply. So simplified, yes there is gore. Is there a lot? No. Is it realistic? No. As long as you believe your child is mature enough to handle seeing some blood and getting jump-scared, then I think this is fine for any 12 year old to play.
Oh, and for some of you other parents who have been into slashers or horror movies in the past, this game features some pretty amazing characters such as Freddy Krueger and Quentin Smith from Nightmare on Elm Street, Michael Myers and Laurie Strode from the Halloween series, Amanda Young and Detective Tapp from the Saw series, Bubba Sawyer from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, and Ghostface from the Scream series, each with their own unique powers. It’s a fun throwback to see in a 2000s game.
But to summarize this article, I give you my ultimate understanding of this game : there’s not as much gore as depicted, and from my understanding, my daughter doesn’t play it for the violence, but the difficulty. This game is very challenging and requires a good amount of teamwork when playing as survivor, and strategy when playing as killer. I don’t recommend this game to 12 year olds, but if they ask, I wouldn’t stop them. Children these days have a way of getting what they want anyways.
Violence : 3/5
Gore : 3/5
Swearing : 1/5
Nudity : None
Sex : None
Smoking / drugs : 1/5
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November 15, 2020
Too violent
It's extremely violent dont let kids to play this it's for adults only
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August 8, 2020
Not as bad as you think
My kids asked for this game a few months back.At first I said no then they asked if I could install it to see it wasn’t that bad.After playing toturial it wasn’t bad.There is no gore in the game.Do not listen to the rating on the website.They just go off the title of the game and just search up pictures and say it’s bad.Its really fun and I would recommend.