Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Energetic Disney movie's villains make likable role models.
Movie tie-in about fashion, stereotypes, and purchases.
Positive messages, peril in overstuffed franchise reboot.
Satisfying end to trilogy has positive themes for kids.
Exceptional sequel promotes communication, female roles.
Devastating, moving dramedy about death and forgiveness.
These post-2000 picks are some of the best of their time. Seen them all yet?
Get your kid's next overnight off to a fun start.
Happily-ever-afters, belly laughs, and positive vibes galore.
Plots and characters bound to spark your kid's imagination.
Strong females prevail in these fantastic flicks.
Once-upon-a-time meets happily-ever-after.
Red Queen's kid rebels in darkly whimsical movie prequel.
Cute wedding special suffers from poor animation.
Fun, upbeat villain-kids romp sets up movie finale.
Positive messages mix with brand-name fun in villains' tale.
Fun villain-kids romp packed with positive messages.
Short-form series teases movie characters' continuing story.
Evil's never been so fun with sing-and-dance-along tunes.
Tale of Disney villains' kids has cliché plot, characters.