fordF150ownerandloverpoggers's Profile
June 16, 2021
Its fine, everyone is overreacting.
As long as:
A: you are a good parent
B: you have a good child
C: They have good friends
D: they use an alias online
you are fine.
This website uses "servers" which are their version of group chats, and you have to click on an invite link that somebody else sent you to join one. Or, if the server is public (most are), it CANT have any NSFW channels. this can only be bypassed if somebody makes their own server and deliberately adds NSFW marked channels, in which EVERY POST has to censored, and you have to click to uncensor. Also, you cant bypass this if your under 18. Nothing about your kids personal life will be shown to others, unless your kid shows it to others. If your kid is around puberty age, please just accept that they have seen porn and don't take away discord from them, its not discords fault. Your kid was curious and found it online. They had to go searching far and wide to find it anywhere on discord.
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