Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Clever, colorful comedy with sophisticated themes, script.
Nolan's complex A-bomb biopic has sex, swearing, violence.
Stone's brilliant acting drives bold, very mature dramedy.
Lots of fighting in vivid but long sci-fi adaptation.
Masterful American epic about greed, violence, and racism.
Payne's 1970-set comedy has swearing, drinking, pot use.
Excellent, intense adventure has thrills, humor, heart.
Weird, wonderful genre-busting adventure has some violence.
Masterful but really violent Oscar winner.
Moving and wonderful, but parent preview a good idea.
Creative, clever story about big feelings has peril, scares.
Breathtaking personal story has self-harm, smoking.
Profound, beautiful film about love and creativity.
Bleak origin story has mature themes, violence, language.
Compelling drama about relentless pursuit of perfection.
Stunningly animated, poignant tribute to family and culture.
Jackman and Zendaya entertain in musical Barnum biopic.
Excellent space thriller mixes peril, charm, real science.
Vibrant visuals, catchy songs, moving messages.
Brilliant Korean social satire has dark comedy, violence.