Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Emotional drama about fostering kids has intense moments.
Sensitive friendship drama mixes joy, serious themes.
Beloved animated character learns life lessons; some peril.
Motivational sports drama has teen swearing, drinking.
Epic volleyball anime highlights teamwork, perseverance.
Intriguing Titanic drama aims to inspire; mild content.
Story about power of education, perseverance has violence.
High-octane smiles in stunt romcom; action violence, drugs.
High-flying docu has positive messages, some peril.
Inspiring real-life story has racial slurs, mild violence.
Gorgeous but unsettling animated tale spotlights sadness.
Teens confront challenges in docu; mature themes, violence.
Exciting, heartwarming real-life dog adventure has swearing.
Animal docu stars Indian conservationists; some violence.
Inspiring sports drama based on real events; some language.
Heartwarming Japanese drama has partial nudity, smoking.
Inspiring docu tells immigrant tale, has language, violence.
Docudrama about Einstein's life ponders WWII violence.
Historical sports docu about lived experiences with racism.
Stop-motion da Vinci biopic has lots of information.