Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Magical fantasy has peril, battles, positive messages.
Exciting sequel has superkids facing peril, finding allies.
Superpowers, misfit power in complex, exciting series start.
Superpowered tweens battle archvillain in thrilling finale.
Magical twin girls shine in this slow-starting story.
Superpowered tweens vs. mad scientist in exciting sequel.
Slow start, solid characters in Unwanteds spin-off series.
Superpowered series start has thrills, appealing characters.
Danger looms in action-packed island adventure.
Moral dilemmas abound in thrilling, imaginative sequel.
Teens race to avert disaster in thrilling Visions finale.
Strong values, strong language in riveting thriller sequel.
Magic, mystery, mayhem, and a leadership message for tweens.
Intriguing thriller driven by teen girl's disaster visions.
Spellbinding second adventure even better than first.
Thought-provoking story of abducted teen who returns.