Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Clever, funny, and sweet villain-with-a-heart-of-gold tale.
Grown-up Nickelodeon classic leans heavily on nostalgia.
Interactive show raises social media issues for tweens.
Romcom about finding unexpected love; drinking, language.
Coming-of-age tale has language, drinking, drugs.
Uninspired tale of mice who save kingdom focuses on courage.
Stepbrothers' hijinks are jolly -- just not very realistic.
Stepsiblings' antics shun reality in mediocre comedy.
Funny collection of Illumination shorts has iffy content.
Upbeat series showcases female STEM superstars.
Full-nest family comedy mixes messages with iffy behaviors.
Fun tween-star combo raises online responsibility issues.
Jack Black spices up otherwise lackluster special.
iCarly crew delivers more wild antics.
Tween-friendly special has lots of online tie-ins.