Common Sense Media
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Chill host helps rescue small farms in soothing show.
Endearing host nerds out over birds and conservationism.
Joyful national parks doc may just inspire your next trip.
Animal video spin-off has cute critters, aggressive moments.
Animals are treated with care in fun but graphic vet show.
"Dog Whisperer" spin-off takes canine advice cross-country.
Kid-friendly diving adventures educate and entertain.
Informative animal hospital reality show can be graphic.
Some graphic moments in veterinarian reality.
Company installs water gardens in mild reality show.
Alaska vet offers realistic view of treating sick animals.
Informative science show touches on aggression, mating, etc.
Famed trainer helps dogs with serious (and scary) problems.
Divorce, addiction get treatment in nature trek reality.
Sheep reality gets into the nitty gritty of farm life.
Animal jobs are exciting and potentially dangerous.
Animals' lavish lifestyles = worry-free fun for families.
Unique animal relationships are sweet and strong.
Occasional arguments and vocab heat up aquarium reality.
Informative wildlife series about elusive animals.