Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Gore and shock in brutally effective serial killer movie.
Bawdy friendship mom-com has drug use, language.
Unforgettable, intense drama about history of caste/racism.
Word-free animated friendship story brings laughs, tears.
Extreme gore and violence in bold, wild nun horror tale.
French courtroom drama has violence, suicide, language.
Heartwarming Japanese drama has partial nudity, smoking.
Violent thriller has smoking, drinking, abuse references.
Horrific crashes in confusing biopic about sports car titan.
Uneven horror movie takes thoughtful approach to culture.
Australian Outback thriller has threat, language, drinking.
Mature sex-domination thriller; cruel, crude language.
Message movie argues for activism via sabotage.
Lowbrow, unfunny romcom about horrible people and droids.
Bold satire has strong language, adult themes, drinking.
Tense British horror has self-harm, trauma, brief sex scene.
Surreal thriller has extremely graphic sex and violence.
Korean trafficking comedy-drama evokes kindness and empathy.
David Bowie documentary has some language, sex, nudity.
Sex, gore in creepy, brilliant Cronenberg body-horror pic.