Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Breathtaking personal story has self-harm, smoking.
Faithful but uneven adaptation has violence, iffy romance.
Confident and mature yet dark, violent Batman reboot.
Nolan's violent, elaborate epic is best for deep thinkers.
Sexy honeymoon, disturbing pregnancy dominate vampire tale.
Outstanding but brutally violent Henry V historical epic.
Disturbing black-and-white horror has drinking, violence.
Third Twilight movie has more drama, violence.
Twilight sequel has more obsession, action, wolves.
Gripping drama has disturbing violence, sex, language.
Final Twilight focuses on Edward and Bella's legacy.
Unusual, uneven Western has violence, language, drinking.
Uneven but powerful war drama has gory violence.
Pattinson stars in disturbing, violent, profane sci-fi tale.
Vivid but violent crime movie about wounded souls.
Strong female character in otherwise dull, lifeless drama.
Dense, intelligent, mature, yet measured adventure drama.
Flat James Dean biopic has swearing, some nudity.
Downbeat, violent post-apocalyptic Australian crime movie.
Intense, brilliant, and complex, but not for Twilight fans.