Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Graphic sex, gore in strange, slow, but funny anthology.
Gentle, tender, mature romance about ghosts, second chances.
Comedy about drama kids has swearing, suggestive comments.
Fun, feel-good biopic has language, drugs, mature themes.
Charming British romcom has language, some sexual content.
Romantic drama touches on racism, mental health; language.
Dark horror-comedy is bloody, funny, and tasty.
Dark Irish comedy has language, violence, drinking, smoking.
Comic mystery keeps you guessing; drinking, violence, peril.
Sex, nudity, and empathy in profound, intimate drama.
Dark, brutal psychological terror from Guillermo Del Toro.
Nostalgic tribute to expat writers has nudity, language.
Brief, intense violence against women in effective chiller.
Poignant, beautifully performed drama has mature themes.
Misguided, sour "comedy" about cowardice isn't very funny.