Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Violent adventure game about revenge; tons of blood & gore.
Family-friendly baseball game adds more history, diversity.
Fun, polished but violent game in 'Dragon' franchise.
An exceptional and multi-platform 'Tekken' game for teens.
PokƩmon-like game with weapons and violence.
Fun and silly collection of mini games; some potty humor.
Very few new features, but on top of its game in the series.
Epic fighting game has lots of blood, gore and language.
Fun but flawed new edition of NBA game; in-game purchases.
Fun and masterful sequel in popular game series; violence.
Escaping "Hell-A" is a bloody and brutal guilty pleasure.
New mode brings fantastic historical focus on pastime.
2K's action-packed wrestling game is a main event champion.
Highly enjoyable multiplayer spy thriller needs polish.
Cool blend of swords and guns can't save bad story and cast.
Fun cross-platform party game, but not without its issues.
Clever strategy twists put new spin on Solitaire gameplay.
Enjoyable but limited tale based on popular manga series.
Cheerful 2D tale combines sports and adventure.
Role-playing game is deep on skills, but light on story.