Common Sense Media
Movie & TV reviews for parents
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Clever, colorful comedy with sophisticated themes, script.
Peppy holiday favorite for both kids and parents.
Revenge dog-com is off the leash with drug use, swearing.
Foul-mouthed Ferrell comedy isn't very funny. No kids.
Dickens musical comedy has sweet themes, cursing, slapstick.
Surprisingly entertaining modeling spoof has sex, swearing.
Wild, raunchy comedy about NASCAR culture.
Silly comedy that's definitely not for kids
Quirky buddy comedy mixes action, some raunchy stuff.
This sometimes-obnoxious comedy is no Elf.
Shallow sister comedy has language, drug use.
A few laughs can't save crass Ferrell/Wahlberg comedy.
Clever animated superhero story is fun, not too scary.
Very politically incorrect; funny for many adults.
Spandex, stereotypes, and Will Ferrell on ice.
Comedy riffs on wealth gap, race but relies on stereotypes.
Blended-family sequel has crass humor, iffy messages.
Silly spoof has swearing, comic violence, sexual humor.
Ferrell's reboot of '70s show is rife with gross-out laughs.
No huge laughs in Ferrell's foul-mouthed comedy.