Parents' Guide to


By Polly Conway, Common Sense Media Reviewer

age 8+

Lively sci-fi series has lots of mystery, some violence.

WondLa TV show poster - A teen shines a light toward the camera.

A Lot or a Little?

What you willā€”and won'tā€”find in this TV show.

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Is It Any Good?

Our review:
Parents say: Not yet rated
Kids say: Not yet rated

This lively series is a sci-fi treat for younger viewers. WondLa presents a compelling character in the scrappy, adventurous Eva, and a wild world for her to discover and explore. The stakes are high, but the series is still light fun. For kids who aren't quite ready for more grown-up science fiction shows (and who may already be fans of the book series), WondLa is an excellent choice.

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